Wake up His Church
Sunday, January 31, 2016
I have a dream. God has given me a dream. Yes, these are the same words used by a great man in our history named Martin Luther King, Jr. My words are his words because our dreams are linked. My dream, as I believe his dream did, transcends race. My dream, as given by my Lord Jesus Christ, is for all people – man, woman, teenager, child – all that call themselves by the name of our Lord to come into an intimate personal daily relationship with Him. This relationship is not defined by race, gender, social status, or any other human terms, but is defined by a desire to make Jesus Christ your Lord, as well as your Savior. I offer a guarantee validated through Scripture and my own personal testimony that this relationship will change your life. As more and more of His people seek this relationship, and dedicate themselves to serving Him according to His divine purpose for their life, it will change our nation and will change our world.
As with Martin Luther King’s dream, this is not some lofty idealistic impossibility. This is God’s intended Divine plan. His intricate plan is to use His Church to save a lost and dying world. His desire is to use each and every one of His people through relationship with Him to implement His plan.
This dream is God’s dream. The beauty of the plan is that God alone has the power to implement it. We are simply His resource for implementation, and all he has asked of us is that we are willing.
I am not talking about a one-time event. I am talking about the beginning of a process. This is not a one-time emotional experience, but is a long-term commitment that will yield results over time.
I ask you today to make this commitment to your Lord. If you are not saved, I invite you today to make Jesus Christ your Lord and claim salvation. I share with you God’s offer to not only change your life and eternity, but to join the Creator of the Universe in a relationship that is capable of changing our world.
There truly is strength in numbers. I am a numbers guy and know that every number line increments by one digit at a time. The product can be exponential, but at its base, it increments by one number. You are the one. If you feel The Holy Spirit wrestling or stirring in your spirit, don’t resist, but embrace Him. This is your call!!
We can look at mankind and our history as one long drawn out play. We just have to put ourselves in the story. This is the call to each of us. Then we must be willing to allow our Lord to define our roles. Our nation and world may be ruled by the prince of darkness, but our God is in control of all things. The moral compass of our nation is set by those of us who belong to The Lord Jesus Christ. He is the One who conquered the enemy. Morality was never defined by the lost or by the world. Despite how things appear, the direction of our nation – the direction of the world- has always been controlled by God and implemented by His people following Him. Since the fall of man, the world has always been swimming in darkness. It is not darkness that is the problem, but the absence of light (Natalie Grant). As Jesus told us, Christians are to be the light of the world.
We have embarked on a Mission Journey in which we are traveling from state to state with intention of visiting all fifty states in the United States of America concluding in Jamestown, Virginia in April of 2020. We are taking the Lord’s message to His elect and desire to share God’s vision for His Church. We hope to stir Christians to commit to an intimate, deep relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ through His Spirit which dwells in each of us. We must understand that we are called according to His purpose, and we must commit to this relationship in order to understand this purpose.
The Lord’s desire for His Church today is the same as it was in the first century. For those called of God, this message is summarized as a journey into Oneness with God-complete Oneness with our Creator.
As we visit a community, here is the letter we are sending to the local churches.
Hello. I wanted to reach out to your Church Leadership with a brief introduction.
I am part of a Ministry called “Wake Up His Church Ministries.” We have recently begun a Mission Journey that we have called “20/20 Mission Journey.” We plan to travel to all 50 states as led by The Lord Jesus Christ between now and April, 2020. The Lord has given us a message of His desire for His Church to reassert Herself into the direction and policies of our Nation of America. The message is not about activism, but begins with His people coming into a deeper, growing relationship with Himself.
Our pursuit is Unity, but not necessarily Unity as defined by today’s terms or as understood in today’s culture. We seek Unity of believers through the connection The Lord desires us to have through Him, which will unite Christians from all walks of life and across denominational lines and barriers.
We hope to establish a network of prayer circles throughout our nation with the common purpose of crying out to our Father. We must pray for the Spiritual Condition of our Nation and an outpouring of His Holy Spirit. We believe this to be a critical time in history-critical to The Lord’s Church, and critical to our Nation.
We are currently in the Hermitage area, and would love to meet with a representative from your church at any time convenient for you.
You can find out more about our beliefs through our website: WakeupHisChurch.com. I can be contacted via email through the website or I can be reached as outlined below.
Kevin Samons,
Wake Up His Church Ministries
Email: KevinSamons@att.net
Cell: 812-734-5783.
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