Wake up His Church



Saturday, February 4, 2017

Below is the flyer that we are distributing to the Churches as we visit.  Take note of the rainbow in the picture.  This rainbow was over the campground when we arrived in Yellowstone in June, 2016!


Monday, November 28, 2016

The Lord has directed me to issue "A Call to Unity."  We are calling the tour of the nation that we began in early November our  "2020 Vision Mission."  We plan to visit every state between now and April of 2020.  The ultimate goal is Unity among Christians.  This is a concerted effort to issue a wake-up call to the Church, such that all Christians come into clarity and agreement with the Lord's purpose for His Church.  This is not a call to more programs or busy activities.  It is not necessarily even a call to Church growth.  It is a call to commitment.  It is a call to discipleship.  It is time for the Universal Church to be driven by the Lord's agenda and power rather than man's.  We are in search of believers who want to invite The Holy Spirit to take over the Church in America.  We hope to establish a network of prayer circles throughout our nation which are united in prayer for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and a virtual about face to the Spiritual condition of our Nation.  Our Nations direction is to be led by the Church.  The Church is to be led by the Holy Spirit-period!

In a writing a few days ago, I talked about Essential items.  It is not my intent to spark debate in this area, or to oversimplify theology or doctrines.  I don't wish to offend.  In fact, quite the opposite.  When I began this journey with the Lord, He outlined for me some critical items that have been the foundation for my growth. In my early days of solitude with Him, the Lord basically laid out the plan for Him to deliver me from alcohol.  I want to make something very clear.  When the Lord laid out this plan, He conveyed it to me as a daily lifelong pursuit.  I group the foundational into two categories.  The first category consists of beliefs that He pointed out as critical to my spiritual growth.  The second category includes action items.  After I have shared these, I am going to invite you to join me in establishing a network of Christians in pursuit of a common goal-Unity of the Lord's Church.

Category One-Doctrines-These are the essentials to our Faith.  They are non-negotiable.

    1.) God-The Father:  We believe in a Triune God-The Trinity (One God eternally existing in three persons).  We believe  God is Creator of heaven and earth- all that is seen and unseen. As a result, we value life. We share a sense of responsibility to care for all that God has created. We believe that God Himself is actively engaged in sustaining and directing all things.  He is in complete control of every detail.  He is Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent.

    2.) Jesus Christ:  We believe that Jesus is God’s one and only son and is a perfect representation of the Nature of God. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He came to earth to completely and perfectly fulfill God’s law, and to reconcile His creation.  After fulfilling all of the requirements of the law, He was crucified on the cross as Atonement for the sin of all mankind. We believe He chose to become a complete and perfect offering by dying on the Cross. We believe that this act of intercession and grace removed the barrier that sin had created between God and His creation. We believe that on the third day He rose again and is seated at the right hand of God, the Father. We believe He will come again and rule the Earth as its one and only Righteous and Perfect King.

Jesus Christ truly is all things to all people.  He cannot to be diminished in any way.  He is fully God and fully man.

    3.)  The Holy Spirit:​  We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third part of the Trinity, He is God’s presence in the world, the Church, and those who choose to accept Jesus Christ as personal Saviour. The Holy Spirit is the breath of God that He gave humanity at the point of creation and gave His children on the day of Pentecost to empower us to continue the work of Christ until His return. The Holy Spirit serves as our guide and teacher. It is the Holy Spirit that strives to bring all things in our lives into harmony with the character and motives of God.  He is the engine of the Church, and He brings glory to Jesus Christ in all that He teaches us.  It is His desire and work to sanctify us such that we display the Character of God and our earthly example, Jesus Christ.

With true conversion, at the moment of salvation, we are indwelt by The Holy Spirit.

    4.) The Bible-The Word of God:  We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and a depiction of the history of God’s interaction with Mankind. We believe the Bible to be the inerrant, uncompromising Word of God and is perfectly consistent from cover to cover without contradiction.  We believe 
God speaks to us through the Bible today because it is His Living Word, and we understand its meaning with the help of the Holy Spirit. 

Also, please reference "About Us" page.

Category Two-Action Items-As part of our commitment to the pursuit outlined earlier, we ask you to commit to the following.  Please note that the items in Category One cannot be compromised, However, due to life's circumstances, sometimes "Action Items" that will be outlined below as Category Two cannot be as stringent in application.  We ask you to make a serious commitment to dedicate this time as outlined.  However, there must be room for special circumstances such that a firm heartfelt commitment is not compromised  because of circumstances that cannot be controlled.  It may be that a day here or there is missed, we simply hope that through discipline the routine is quickly reestablished.

    1.)  Spend time with The Lord daily.  It is important that we spend time in prayer daily, and it is imperative that we spend time listening to the Lord on a daily basis.

    2.)  Spend time in God's Word daily.  In order for Christians to grow, we must spend time in His Word.

    3.)  Understand our relationship with the Holy Spirit.  For the Holy Spirit to be in charge of the Church, we must agree that He is to be in charge of our individual lives.  The complete surrender and sanctification of our lives may be a lifelong process, but we must agree to our need and God's desire that we submit to Him daily.  We must be intent on walking with the Spirit, and growing daily in understanding and application of the teachings of Jesus.

    4.)  Pray daily for the Church.  If we truly desire change, we must pray for the Hand of God to shake up the Church.  We need to pray for an outpouring of His Spirit that reveals God's authority to us, such that we respond in humble repentance and devout commitment to Him.

    5.)  Be in prayer for  our Nation of America.  I believe that we have been blessed by God to fulfill His purpose to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth.  Every single one of us has a God-given purpose toward that end.  We need to be in prayer for the leadership of our Nation such that we are unhindered in fulfillment of God's purpose for us.  We must also pray for our Nation's commitment at the highest levels to be in alliance with and protection of Israel.

I want to issue a call to join us in this quest for Unity.  If you come in agreement with the items outlined above, I ask you to make this commitment in writing.  I don't undertake this request lightly.  I have toiled with this for the better part of six months.  I firmly believe that your relationship with God is none of my business.  However, I feel led by the Lord to reach out Nationwide and Worldwide for those that are willing to make this firm commitment to our Lord.  The Lord tells me there is power in making a public declaration of our commitment to Him and uniting those of us that our of like mind.

Pray about it.  Take it to the Lord.  If you feel led, please email me through our contacts page.  This email comes directly to me.  Our prayer and hope is simple-One Church united in the purpose of serving Jesus Christ rather than agendas derived by man.  Please read Number 30:2; Ecclesiastes 5:4-6.

I want to restate the purpose of this commitment.  I am not asking you to make any type of commitment to me.  I am asking you to make a commitment to the Lord, but I am asking you to back it up in writing.  I am reaching out because I am hoping to establish a community to help strengthen each other in our battle.  Our purpose is only to affirm our intent to bring glory to His name and His Kingdom.  This agreement is not about a decision you make today, but about commitment to action you are making for tomorrow and every day thereafter.

August 12, 2016

While in Yellowstone National Park in the summer of 2016, The Lord shared many things with me, but primarily He directed me that He wants our ministry to be about a call to UNITY.  In the coming days, I will post on this page the thoughts that I believe God wants me to share.  Please check back, I will be sharing soon.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

I have been contemplating this writing on Unity for some time.  I have thought long and hard on the subject, and I have spent a great deal of time with The Lord on the matter.  I want this writing to convey what He has laid on my heart, and I want it to be clear.  Today, The Lord shared with me that He cannot lead me at all unless I begin writing.  This is perhaps the most important of my writings thus far, and may be of the most critical I will ever write.  Please seek The Lord as you read what is below, and ask Him for personal guidance and insight.

As I summarized in my introduction, I believe Unity in today's world, and certainly in our society in America to be of utmost and urgent need.  I feel it to be vastly important, and I think many Americans would agree.  I think Unity is something we desire and seek in most areas of our lives.  We live in a wold that is divided, perhaps like never before.  America is divided, the Church suffers from and is stymied by division interdenominationally, and in many instances within the same denomination.We see it true so often even within the same building.  We see deep division within communities, both small and large.  We see racial division, political division, segregatoion by age, sex, etc. The list goes on and on.  Just about any way we can classify a group of people, we will find division to another grouping of people.  Something I have noticed over the course of my life is not just that division has become more prominent, but more alarming to me is the chasm between the groups.  The divide has become so wide and deep that it seems insurmountable.  The division leads to anger, hurt and so often manifests itself in violence.  We also see it manifested in drug addiction, alcoholism, suicide, and countless other things.  In general, we are a society in despair.

As I stated earlier, The Lord has shared many things with me regarding Unity over the course of the last several months.  I want to share these things with you.  I will be doing this over the next couple of weeks, as I have broken them down into groups.  Today, I want to start with- Why?  

Why do we seek Unity?  Why is Unity so important?  My entire life I have heard the phrase "Why can't we all just get along?'  I believe God has instilled within us a natural desire for Unity, which is why Community is so integral to the teachings in the New Testament as is so vital to The Lord's Church. 

Why should Unity be so important to us?  Because it was important to our Lord.  Before Jesus went to the cross, this is what was on His mind.  Even with what He was about to endure, the Unity of current and future believers was His concern.  This was The Lord's prayer.

John 17:20-26

My prayer is not for them alone.  I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me, and I am in you.  May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.  I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one:  I in them and you in me.  May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.

Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me.  I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them, and that I myself may be in them.

Even in the midst of His preparation for the cross, Unity of His followers was of utmost concern to Jesus.  It is His desire today.  It is my daily prayer for Christians in our Nation and throughout the world.  It is time for us as Christians to get our act together and begin a diligent pursuit of Unity that cannot be deterred.  The Lord has placed this as the central focus of the ministry that we are in the process of beginning.  At some point, under The Lord's direction, I am going to ask you to join me in this endeavor.

I ask you today to spend some time with The Lord in meditation of the above scripture.  I am convinced that this prayer-these Words by Our Lord are the foundation of any change in direction of our Nation.  This is where we must start.  These are not my words.