Wake up His Church



I want this website to be all about Jesus.  I only wish to give a brief background on myself in order that my incredible shortcomings and lack of qualifications may be on display.  I wish to be The Lord's example of His incredible power, love and grace.  I pray that my story will send others in search of the relationship that I have found through His incredible grace and patience.  Jesus patiently awaits this relationship with all of His people.

I gave my life to The Lord when I was nine.  I grew up in a Southern Baptist Church, and even felt a call to the ministry in my late teens.  Difficulties of life led me away from ministry, and I ended up in the Navy for purely selfish reasons.  I have lived my life calling myself a Christian, but until recently never walked with The Lord in true obedience.  I am hesitant to assume that eternal life awaited me throughout those years of wandering.  Now, however, I have the reassurance that can only come from the Holy Spirit.  I seek His guidance and strive for obedience on a daily or even hourly basis.  I have learned that this strength does not come from me, but from my Lord alone.  There is a discipline that I must be attentive to, but the work is done by God alone.  To Him is where I continually look to draw my strength.

Throughout my adult life, I have drifted in and out of a relationship with God, generally based on my own selfish needs and desires.  I have found throughout the years that the times of closeness to God have become shorter and the time apart from Him has grown in duration.  As a result of this, I became an alcoholic, which, while nearly destroying me and my family, has turned out to be an incredible blessing.  Two years ago, in August of 2013, The Lord rescued me from the cycle of hopelessness that completely controlled me.   I was helpless.  I was broken.  God was there waiting for me to admit this. Jesus was my only hope, and in Him, I have been completely renewed.

I began a daily journey with Jesus that I wish to share with every human being on the planet.  It is my desire to seek the will of my Saviour every day of my life, and respond to His guidance with absolute obedience.  It has also become my desire that every one of His people do the same.  I endeavor to do my part to help others find the relationship that Jesus Christ has so graciously allowed me to share with Him.  I pray that this desire will spread like wildfire throughout His Church, throughout our Nation, and throughout the World.

Throughout my journey, The Lord has given me insights as I have studied His Word.  He has directed me to write these down, such that they may be shared.  It is my intention to post them on this website periodically.  I hope this will lead others to seek time with The Lord, and devoutly study His Word, such that they may find their own insights through His guidance.

The Lord has laid on my heart His desire for Revival of His Church.  With this, God has also given me a message of His punishment that is looming over us, if there is not repentance.  This repentance that The Lord conveys to me does not relate to our government, or to a world that seems to strive for wickedness.  This repentance is for His Church.  A change of heart from the people that call themselves by His name.  Fortunately, God has focused my attention on His desire for Revival, and not His punishment.  While punishment for America is certainly warranted, and may be already beginning, God tells me that it is His season for Revival.  He has led me to a Scripture-Isaiah 55:6-Seek The Lord while He may be found; call on Him when He is near.

 Revival can come only from God Himself, and we must respond to His call.  This response is vital in order to restore His people.  It is my firm belief that our Heavenly Father can restore this country to Himself through revitalization of our Saviour's Church.  It is my belief that even a remnant of believers truly committed to Jesus as their Lord can turn our nation in the right direction.  It is my desire to spend the remainder of my days in pursuit of the unification of this remnant in our fight against the enemy.

Romans 11:5-So, too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace.

The Lord is calling us to a committed relationship with Him.  This is not a call to a casual relationship when we can spare the time.  It is time for Christians to wake up and pursue this relationship with our Lord.

Revelation 3:20-Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with me.

The Lord wants to dine with us.  Dine-not eat fast food on our way to something else.  He wants our undivided attention.  The Lord Jesus has brought this Scripture into reality in my life.  My prayer is that if you read this, you will join me at The Lord's table.